Metaverse festival in Prague
You’ve all heard about the “Metaverse”, this futuristic concept of a 100% virtual and immersive world worthy of science fiction. Although the whole world is starting to talk about it more and more, this subject is still quite fuzzy for some. But what is sure, it is that many industries are very interested in it.
That’s why we launched the Metaverse festival. Located in the city center of Prague, Prague’s Virtual Reality Theme Park, VR PLAY PARK co-organized and hosted this event on June 2nd and 3rd. This event brought together over 200 passionate people curious to learn more about the latest trends and future outlook for the world of NFTs, Web 3, and extended reality technologies, which together connect users with the Metaverse.
The Metaverse Festival is an exciting educational event that combines everything from live entertainment to keynote talks, panel discussions, exciting workshops, immersive experiences, 3D artist’s exhibitions, and much more. It’s a great opportunity for individuals and companies to learn how the Metaverse can change their business practices.
During these two days, many speakers were invited to discuss about different topics. We can mention among others Chen Songke from Tencent, one ofthe highest-grossing multimedia companies in China. We were also lucky to have Wubo Zhou, the co-founder of Micia Micha, the first NFT marketplace in China,who gave a speech on the prospects of NFTs. The CEO of Somnium Space, Artur Sychov, broadcasted his entire presentation in the metaverse in combination with his physical presence, so that users can reach Somnium Space from anywhere. It was a great preface to how the everyday conversation will look inthe metaverse.
After this exhaustive introduction on the Metaverse, it was the turn of Adam Rajnoha, the CEO behind Moya (the first digital retailer that connects brands and consumers in digital ownership and experience transition) to speak. Adam offered a presentation for brand owners, giving them advice on how toenter the metaverse. He described the Metaverse as the “new battle ground of commerce”.
We also had David Marak, the CTO, and co-founder of YORD, a global creative VR, AR, XR, and Metaverse studio specializing in complex interactive projects and building high-end immersive experiences. As well as Patrik and Dan from Modest Artificials. They design metaverse buildings like NFT galleries, Metaverse shops, Company Showrooms, and Music Clubs across the metaverses. Their goal was to give us a brief description of how architecture looks in the metaverse. This parallel world gives architects the opportunity to express themselves without limits. There is no gravity, no limits to design, which leaves all the space to the imagination.
The second day of the festival was more focused on art and NFT with other conferences centered on the depth of the Metaverse and the social dimension that this new world could bring to our daily lives. The event then closed with a party in the VR Play Park premises where the DJs’ performance was directly broadcasted in the metaverse. This new way of partying was somewhat unusual but may become totally normal in the future.
We would like to thank all the speakers and spectators who attended this event and hope to see you again soon for a new edition.